modulo str python
#look like: your_srting % values #when: #your_string = "any king of character %format" #type(value) = tuple # A falg can be added between the % and the format #Exemple: print("there is %d ducks in the lake" % 34) #>>> there is 34 duck in the lake # Or your_string = "%d of the %d ducks are ducklings" values = (12, 32) print(your_string % values) #>>> 12 of the 34 ducks are ducklings Formaters are: # Strings %s to display as string (and do str(value) if needed) #Integers %i to display in default int form %d to display as a decimal integer %x to display as an hexadecimal intedger (with lettre in lowercase) %X to display as an hexadecimal intedger (with lettre in uppercase) %o to display as an octal integer %u to display as an unsigned integer %c to display in ascii (process "chr(value)") #Floats %f to display in default float form %e to display in scientific writing (with a lowercase e to expess exponent) %E to display in scientific writing (with an uppercase E to expess exponent) %g to display as an floating exponent