Answers for "label attributes tkinter"


python tkinter label

from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()

w = Label(root, text="Hello Tkinter!")

Posted by: Guest on June-20-2020

how to create a label in tkinter

#How to create a label in Tkinter

from tkinter import *

#First create a screen
new_window = Tk()
new_window.title("My Python Project")

Label(new_window, text = "Hello World").pack()
#Label : Tells Python that a label is being created
#new_window : whatever screen you want the label to be shown on ; name the screen whatever you like
#text : this tells that there is text being typed in the label
#.pack() : shows the label on the screen
Posted by: Guest on November-08-2020

Adding label in tkinter

>>> greeting = tk.Label(text="Hello, Tkinter")
Posted by: Guest on March-18-2021

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