Answers for "split text by comma python"


split a string by comma python

# We can use the split() function and put a "," in the parameter 
# It'll return a list with the string split up by commas.
txt = "hello, my name is Peter, I am 26 years old"

x = txt.split(",")

# You can also do this
for thing in x:
Posted by: Guest on March-16-2021

how to split an input in python by comma

lst = input().split(',')#can use any seperator value inside '' of split
print (lst)
#given input = hello,world
#output: ['hello', 'world']
#another example 
lst = input().split(' ; ')#can use any seperator value inside '' of split
print (lst)
#given input = hello ; world ; hi there
#output: ['hello', 'world', 'hi there']
Posted by: Guest on July-06-2020

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