Answers for "count occurrences of substring in string python"


return the count of a given substring from a string python

str_x = "He is a good programmer. He Is good. He is he he he he he " 

count1 = str_x.count("He") # Counts the word "He" in the string. Remember, case sensitive!
count2 = str_x.count("he") #Counts the word "he" in the string. Remember, case sensitive!

print(count1 + count2) # Shows the total count of the word "He" in console
Posted by: Guest on October-12-2021

python count code, Count number of occurrences of a given substring

# define string
string = "Python is awesome, isn't it?"
substring = "is"

count = string.count(substring)

# print count
print("The count is:", count)
Posted by: Guest on June-05-2020

count substring in string python

def count_substring(string,sub_string):
    for i in range(len(string)-len(sub_string)+1):
        if(string[i:i+len(sub_string)] == sub_string ):      
    return count
Posted by: Guest on October-14-2020

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