Answers for "python constants"


python cmath constants

cmath.e	Returns Euler's number (2.7182...)
cmath.inf	Returns a floating-point positive infinity value
cmath.infj	Returns a complex infinity value
cmath.nan	Returns floating-point NaN (Not a Number) value
cmath.nanj	Returns coplext NaN (Not a Number) value
cmath.pi	Returns PI (3.1415...)
cmath.tau	Returns tau (6.2831...)
Posted by: Guest on January-04-2021

python constant

class CONST(object):
    __slots__ = ()
    FOO = 1234


print(CONST.FOO)  # 1234

CONST.FOO = 4321  # AttributeError: 'CONST' object attribute 'FOO' is read-only
CONST.BAR = 5678  # AttributeError: 'CONST' object has no attribute 'BAR'
Posted by: Guest on May-13-2021

python e constant

The constant e can be used when you 
import math
The e refers to euler''s (oiler''s) constant. It is approximately 2.71828.
It is very useful when you want to make logarithms, as LOG10E has some good uses.
math.e is fixed, and thus does not change.
Posted by: Guest on July-30-2021

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