Answers for "python elseif"


how to use if else in python

print("Welcome to Rolercoster rider")
#taking input of your hight
Your_hight = int(input("What is Your hight:- "))
#if condition 
if Your_hight >= 120:
    print("You are good to go to the roller coster")
    print("Grow taller to go to the rolercoster")
Posted by: Guest on July-31-2021

if else python


print('What is age?')
age = int(input('number:')) # user gives number as input
if age > 18:
    print('go ahead drive')
elif age == 18:
    print('come personaly for test')
    print('still underage')
Posted by: Guest on August-12-2020

elif python

The elif statement allows you to check multiple expressions for TRUE 
and execute a block of code as soon as one of the conditions evaluates
to TRUE. Similar to the else, the elif statement is optional. However,
unlike else, for which there can be at most one statement, there can 
be an arbitrary number of elif statements following an if.

if expression1:
elif expression2:
elif expression3:
Posted by: Guest on April-17-2020

if else python

#if else conditions in python
a = "if else conditions are inportant"
if "else" in a:
  print("Word is in a")
  print("word is not in a")
Posted by: Guest on June-21-2021

if syntax in python

variable_name = input("y/n? >> ")
if variable_name == "y":
	print("That's good! :) ")
# note the double equal signs. only a single equal sign will receive a Syntax error blah blah blah message.
elif variable_name == "n":
    print("That's bad! :( ")
    print("You blow up for not following my instructions. Detention forever and get lost!")
Posted by: Guest on January-21-2021

python if else

# The if,elif,else statements check if something is True
# example
if 10 > 5:
	print("Ten is greater than five")

#but let's say we write
if 10 < 5:
	print("Ten is less than five")
#then this condition wouldn't be true
#so we create an "else" statement
if 10 < 5:
	print("Ten is less than five")
  	print("Ten is greater than five")

#this will print "Ten is greater than five"
# because in the if statement it checks if something is true
# we wrote 'if 10 < 5' and it's not true
# so in case the 'if' condition evaluates to false
# it executes another command

#now, the 'elif' statement
# this will check for another thing after the if statement
if 10 < 5:
  	print("Ten is less than five")
elif 10 > 5:
	print("Ten is greater than five")
# here we check if 10 is less than five
# then the statement evaluated to false because 10 is greater than 5
# so the program checked with the 'elif' (that means 'Else if')
# if the statement was true, and it was so it executed the command

#we can add as many elif statements as we want in our program
# but they always need to start with an 'if' statement
# and we can make only ONE 'else' statement at the end
# let's add an 'else' statement to the previous program
if 10 < 5:
  	print("Ten is less than five")
elif 10 > 5:
	print("Ten is greater than five")
  	print("Ten isn't greater or less than five")
# in this case it will print 'Ten is greater than five'
# hope this helped
Posted by: Guest on September-24-2020

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