Answers for "why are there tuples and lists"


list of tuples python

import string
fhand = open('romeo-full.txt')
counts = dict()
for line in fhand:
    line = line.translate(None, string.punctuation)
    line = line.lower()
    words = line.split()
    for word in words:
        if word not in counts:
            counts[word] = 1
            counts[word] += 1

# Sort the dictionary by value
lst = list()
for key, val in counts.items():
    lst.append( (val, key) )


for key, val in lst[:10] :
    print key, val
Posted by: Guest on April-26-2020

tuple and list in python

#to create a tuple you use ( ) :
myTuple = ()
#but to create a list you use [ ] :
myList = []
#tuples cannot be changed while the lists can be modified but Tuples are
#more memory efficient
Posted by: Guest on July-09-2021

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