python create package ros
catkin_create_pkg beginner_tutorials std_msgs rospy roscpp
python create package ros
catkin_create_pkg beginner_tutorials std_msgs rospy roscpp
how to make python package
# This is too much for a grepper answer, so here is a link to the tutorial: #
create python package
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
how to i make my own python package
# So first, create a file structure following # this template: """ package_name |-- |-- """ # This will be a dummy package # (Some python code to automatically create this dummy file structure) import os os.mkdir("package_name") open("package_name/", "w") open("package_name/", "w") # Now we have our file structure # Im gonna explain what the shit this means """ 1. The file is the file that will be run when importing the package, normally people write in it the imports to import the rest 2. Will be imported from and will contain an init function, which will, obviously, print "Hello, World!" """ # So now we write the following content in the following files: ###### from sayHello import init # you also can add a bunch of shit __author__ = "YourName" __version__ = (0) # etc.. ###### sayHello def init(): print("Hello, World!") # Now we're done! # you can make a new file named """ The file structure becomes this: package_name |-- |-- """ # And write this in ###### import package_name package_name.init() # If your python version is not from the dark web # it should work # kthxbye
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