Answers for "replace enter in python"


replace character in string python

>>> x = 'xpple bxnxnx cherry'
>>> a = x.replace(x,a)  # replaces x with a
'apple banana cherry'

>>> first_a = x.replace(x,a,1)  # only replaces first a
'apple bxnxnx cherry'
Posted by: Guest on December-28-2020

python replace newline

from tika import parser

filename = 'myfile.pdf'

# Parse the PDF
parsedPDF = parser.from_file(filename)

# Extract the text content from the parsed PDF
pdf = parsedPDF["content"]

# Convert double newlines into single newlines
pdf = pdf.replace('nn', 'n')

# Do something with the PDF
print (pdf)
Posted by: Guest on November-11-2020

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