delete an element from a dict python
del d[key]
delete an element from a dict python
del d[key]
python delete value from dictionary
dict = {'an':30, 'example':18}
#1 Del
del dict['an']
#2 Pop (returns the value deleted, but can also be used alone)
#You can optionally set a default return value in case key is not found
dict.pop('example') #deletes example and returns 18
dict.pop('test', 'Key not found') #returns 'Key not found'
how to print a value from a dictionary in python
# For a good format:
for i in dictionary:
print(i, ":")
for j in dictionary[i]:
print(" ", j, ":", dictionary[i][j])
# Output:
Jeff :
lastname : bobson
age : 55
working : True
James :
lastname : Bobson
age : 34
working : False
# For just a quick reading:
for k, v in dictionary.items():
print(k, v)
# Output:
Jeff {'lastname': 'bobson', 'age': 55, 'working': True}
James {'lastname': 'Bobson', 'age': 34, 'working': False}
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