how to write a while statement in python
myvariable = 10 while myvariable > 0: print(myvariable) myvariable -= 1
how to write a while statement in python
myvariable = 10 while myvariable > 0: print(myvariable) myvariable -= 1
while loop in python
j = 0 while j < 3: print("hello") # Or whatever you want j += 1 #This runs the loop until reaches 3 and above
while loop python
# While loop counting to 10 in 2's i = 2 while i <= 10: # While i is less than or equal 10, it will add 2 print(i) i = i + 2
while loop in python
#Make a variable containing an integer like shown below: i=1 while i<=6: print ("Hello") #This loop will go on forever and the only way to stop it is to kill your program
for loop to while loop in python
for i in range(1"""start""",10"""end""",2"""steps"""): print(i) i = 1 """start""" while i<10"""end""": print(i) i+=2"""steps"""
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