Answers for "are objects called class in python"


python class

class Dog:

    def bark(self):

    def roll(self):

    def greet(self):
        print("Greetings, master")

    def speak(self):
        print("I cannot!")

# Creating the Dog class instance and saving it to the variable <clyde>
clyde = Dog()
clyde.bark()   # --> Woof!
clyde.roll()   # --> *rolling*
clyde.greet()  # --> Greetings, master
clyde.speak()  # --> I cannot!

# Creating another Dog instance
jenkins = Dog()
jenkins.bark()  # --> Woof!
jenkins.roll()  # --> *rolling*
# .. And other methods
# .. Infinite objects can be created this way, all implementing the same methods defined in our class
Posted by: Guest on September-30-2021

class in python

class LuckyLemur():
  	def __init__(self, description):
		self.description = description
    def reveal_description(self):
    	print(f'Lucky Lemur is {self.description}')

lucky_lemur = LuckyLemur('Pro')
Posted by: Guest on June-02-2021

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