Answers for "what is object in python"


declare class python

# To create a simple class:
class Shape:
  	def __init__():
      	print("A new shape has been created!")
    def get_area(self):

# To create a class that uses inheritance and polymorphism
# from another class:
class Rectangle(Shape):
	def __init__(self, height, width): # The constructor
        self.height = height
    	self.width = width

	def get_area(self):
      	return self.height * self.width
Posted by: Guest on March-08-2020

what is an object in python

#objects are collections of data
Posted by: Guest on July-19-2020

classes in python

class Foo:
  def __init__(self):
    self.definition = Foo!
  def hi():
    # Some other code here :)
# Classes require an __init__ if you want to assign attributes. (self) defines what describes the attribs.
Posted by: Guest on January-21-2021

class and object in python

class PartyAnimal:
  	def Party():


an.Party()# this is same as 'PartyAnimal.Party(an)'
Posted by: Guest on July-13-2020

how to create an object in python

class ClassName:
    self.attribute_1 = variable_1 #Set attributes for all object instances
    self.attrubute_2 = variable_2
    def __init__(self, attribute_3, attribute_4): #Set attributes at object creation
        self.attribute_3 = attribute_3            
        self.attribute_4 = attribute_4

    def method(self): #All methods should include self
		print("This is a method example.") #Define methods just like functions 

object = Object(4, "string") #Set attribute_3 and attribute_4
object.method() #Methods are called like this.
Posted by: Guest on August-09-2020

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