http server in python
# this program serves files from the server, if not found then returns 404 # Import socket module from socket import * # Create a TCP server socket #(AF_INET is used for IPv4 protocols) #(SOCK_STREAM is used for TCP) serverSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) # Assign a port number serverPort = 6789 # Bind the socket to server address and server port serverSocket.bind(("", serverPort)) # Listen to at most 1 connection at a time serverSocket.listen(1) # Server should be up and running and listening to the incoming connections while True: print('Ready to serve...') # Set up a new connection from the client connectionSocket, addr = serverSocket.accept() # If an exception occurs during the execution of try clause # the rest of the clause is skipped # If the exception type matches the word after except # the except clause is executed try: # Receives the request message from the client message = connectionSocket.recv(1024) # Extract the path of the requested object from the message # The path is the second part of HTTP header, identified by [1] filename = message.split()[1] # Because the extracted path of the HTTP request includes # a character '', we read the path from the second character f = open(filename[1:]) # Store the entire contenet of the requested file in a temporary buffer outputdata = # Send the HTTP response header line to the connection socket connectionSocket.send(str.encode("HTTP/1.1 200 OKrnrn")) # Send the content of the requested file to the connection socket for i in range(0, len(outputdata)): connectionSocket.send(str.encode(outputdata[i])) connectionSocket.send(str.encode("rn")) # Close the client connection socket connectionSocket.close() except IOError: # Send HTTP response message for file not found connectionSocket.send(str.encode("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Foundrnrn")) connectionSocket.send(str.encode("<html><head></head><body><h1>404 Not Found</h1></body></html>rn")) # Close the client connection socket connectionSocket.close() serverSocket.close()