comment multiple lines in python shortcut
Ctrl+/ For Both: Ctrl+K+C to comment Ctrl+K+U To uncomment
comment multiple lines in python shortcut
Ctrl+/ For Both: Ctrl+K+C to comment Ctrl+K+U To uncomment
comment out a block in python
select the lines you want to comment and 'use Ctrl + / to comment all of the selected text'. To uncomment do the same thing. OR put a '#' before each line eg : #This is a comment
multiline comment in python
# Python is a language that doesn't support multiline comments # In languages like JS, single line comments have // in the beginning # and multiline comments have /* in the beginning # and */ in the end # the pound symbol in front of these five lines is the python equivalent of // print("But there is a workaround!!!") """ In python, multiline string is written with 3 double or single quotes, and the characters in between are treated as an entire string but, if this string isn't assigned to a variable, python doesnt give any error It instead ignores the string, similar to the behaviour it would have towards a comment. BUT!!!!! If this is string is put just after defining a function, it is treated as a docstring, or the documentation string of that function. So, it does have a meaning and is not exactly ignored by Python """ def someFUnc(): """ Python will treat this as a docstring """ pass print(someFUnc.__doc__) # OUTPUT: # Python will treat this as a docstring
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