find duplicates in list python
def Find_Repeated(x): x2=sorted(x) List_Of_Repeated=[] for i in x2: if x2.count(i)>1: List_Of_Repeated.append([i,x2.count(i)]) for c in range(x2.count(i)): for j in x2: if i==j and x2.count(i)>1: x2.remove(i) List_Of_Repeated.sort() return List_Of_Repeated List=[1,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,1,1,2,2,3,7,8,6] # Repeated numbers: [1,2,3,4,5] # Simple print output: print(Find_Repeated(List),"n") # For a neat output: print("[ Value , Times Repeated ] n") print("For example: [2,4] The value 2 was repeated 4 times. n") for i in Find_Repeated(List): print(i)