Answers for "add new row to end of pandas dataframe"


dataframe add row

# append row to dataframe without index

a_row = pd.Series([1, 2])
df = pd.DataFrame([[3, 4], [5, 6]])

row_df = pd.DataFrame([a_row])
df = pd.concat([row_df, df], ignore_index=True)

#    0  1
# 0  1  2
# 1  3  4
# 2  5  6

# append row to dataframe with index

a_row = pd.Series([1, 2])
df = pd.DataFrame([[3, 4], [5, 6]], index = ["row1", "row2"])

row_df = pd.DataFrame([a_row], index = ["row3"])
df = pd.concat([row_df, df])

#       0  1
# row3  1  2
# row1  3  4
# row2  5  6
Posted by: Guest on August-10-2021

add row to dataframe with index

In [99]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 4), columns=['A','B','C','D'])

In [100]: s = df.xs(3)

In [101]: = 10

In [102]: df.append(s)
           A         B         C         D
0  -2.083321 -0.153749  0.174436  1.081056
1  -1.026692  1.495850 -0.025245 -0.171046
2   0.072272  1.218376  1.433281  0.747815
3  -0.940552  0.853073 -0.134842 -0.277135
4   0.478302 -0.599752 -0.080577  0.468618
5   2.609004 -1.679299 -1.593016  1.172298
6  -0.201605  0.406925  1.983177  0.012030
7   1.158530 -2.240124  0.851323 -0.240378
10 -0.940552  0.853073 -0.134842 -0.277135
Posted by: Guest on May-20-2021

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