Answers for "dict in python 3"


dictionary in python

# Dictionaries in Python are used to store set of data like Key: Value pair

# the syntax of a dictionary in Python is very simple we use {} inside that
	# we define {Key: Value}, to separate multiple values we use','
programming_dictionary = {
    "Bug": "An error in a program that prevents the program from running as expected.",
    "Function": "A piece of code that you can easily call over and over again.",
  	"Loop": "The action of doing sommething again and again",
# to retrieve the values from a dictionary we use the Key name as an Index
# retrieving the Function's definition
print(programming_dictionary["Function"])	# this will print the definition of Function

# if you wanna print all the entries in the dictionary you can do that by for loop
for key in programming_dictionary:
  print(programming_dictionary[key])	# prints all entries
# adding items to a dictionary
# the following code will add another entry to the dictionary called Variable
programming_dictionary["Variable"] = "The label to store some sort of data"

# editing the values of a key 
# editing the value of variable
programming_dictionary["Variable"] = "Variables are nothing but reserved memory locations to store values. This means that when you create a variableyou reserve some space in memory"

# if you learnt something from this please upvote it
Posted by: Guest on January-03-2021

what is a dictionary in programming

// This is a JS Object (dictionary eqiv.)
var obj = {
Posted by: Guest on June-09-2020

python 3.7 insert at place in dict

# Insert dictionary item into a dictionary at specified position: 
def insert_item(dic, item={}, pos=None):
    Insert a key, value pair into an ordered dictionary.
    Insert before the specified position.
    from collections import OrderedDict
    d = OrderedDict()
    # abort early if not a dictionary:
    if not item or not isinstance(item, dict):
        print('Aborting. Argument item must be a dictionary.')
        return dic
    # insert anywhere if argument pos not given: 
    if not pos:
        return dic
    for item_k, item_v in item.items():
        for k, v in dic.items():
            # insert key at stated position:
            if k == pos:
                d[item_k] = item_v
            d[k] = v
    return d

d = {'A':'letter A', 'C': 'letter C'}
insert_item(['A', 'C'], item={'B'})
## Aborting. Argument item must be a dictionary.

insert_item(d, item={'B': 'letter B'})
## {'A': 'letter A', 'C': 'letter C', 'B': 'letter B'}

insert_item(d, pos='C', item={'B': 'letter B'})
# OrderedDict([('A', 'letter A'), ('B', 'letter B'), ('C', 'letter C')])
Posted by: Guest on October-20-2020

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