Answers for "python 2.7 decorators example"


python decorator

#Decorator are just function that take function as first
#parameter and return a function
def logging(f):
  def decorator_function(*args, **kwargs):
    print('executing '+f.__name__)
    return f(*args, **kwargs)
  return decorator_function
#Use it like this
def hello_world():
  print('Hello World')
#calling hello_world() prints out:
#executing hello_world
#Hello World
Posted by: Guest on April-04-2020

examples of function decorators in Python

from functools import wraps

def logit(func):
    def with_logging(*args, **kwargs):
        print(func.__name__ + " was called")
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return with_logging

def addition_func(x):
   """Do some math."""
   return x + x

result = addition_func(4)
# Output: addition_func was called
Posted by: Guest on December-29-2020

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