screen l command
# Basic Commands
# Screen is started by using the following screen command:
# Screen Flags
# Here is a list of some of the more common flags and how we can use them.
Flag Description Example
-ls Lists the current screen sessions screen -ls
-aS Create and names a screen session which include all capabilities screen -aS screenname
-r Resume a detached screen session screen -r (name|pid)
-x Attach to an attached screen session screen -x (name|pid)
-d Detach an attached screen session screen -d (name|pid)
-m Start an new screen session in detached mode and run $command screen -d -m $command
-DR Force disconnect of current user and reconnect with your user screen -DR
-wipe Removes all dead screen sessions. (Sessions that are unreachable) screen -wipe
screen -ls
screen -r NAME_SCREEN
screen -r ID_SCREEN