Answers for "pygame text wrapping"


pygame text wrapping

def renderTextCenteredAt(text, font, colour, x, y, screen, allowed_width):
    # first, split the text into words
    words = text.split()

    # now, construct lines out of these words
    lines = []
    while len(words) > 0:
        # get as many words as will fit within allowed_width
        line_words = []
        while len(words) > 0:
            fw, fh = font.size(' '.join(line_words + words[:1]))
            if fw > allowed_width:

        # add a line consisting of those words
        line = ' '.join(line_words)

    # now we've split our text into lines that fit into the width, actually
    # render them

    # we'll render each line below the last, so we need to keep track of
    # the culmative height of the lines we've rendered so far
    y_offset = 0
    for line in lines:
        fw, fh = font.size(line)

        # (tx, ty) is the top-left of the font surface
        tx = x - fw / 2
        ty = y + y_offset

        font_surface = font.render(line, True, colour)
        screen.blit(font_surface, (tx, ty))

        y_offset += fh
Posted by: Guest on April-18-2022

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