Answers for "guess the number python"


guessing game python

# updated version
import random
# for instructions so that the user understands
def instructions():
    print("Welcome to the guessing game you will have 3 tries to pick a number 1-10")
    print("Good luck btw it's all random")

# guess limit so the user can't guess too much.
guess_limit = 1
# The random guess
number = random.randint(1, 10)
# What users can type and see.
user = int(input("What is the number?: "))
# The while loop so it can go on.
while user != number:

    if user > number:

    elif user < number:

    user = int(input("What is the number?: "))
    guess_limit += 1
    if guess_limit == 3:
        print("You ran out of guess ;( the answer was", number, "<--")
    print("You guessed it right! The number is", number,
          "and it only took you ", guess_limit, "tries")
Posted by: Guest on October-22-2020

guess the number python

import random
print('Hi! What is your name?')
name= input()
print('Well ' + str(name) + ', I was thinking of a random number between 1 and 15. Can you guess that number? If you are interested: ')

computerNumber= random.randint(1, 15)

for guessedNumber in range(1, 7):
    print('Please guess a number.')
    guess= input()
    if int(guess) < computerNumber:
        print('The number is too low.')
    elif int(guess) > computerNumber:
        print('The number is too high.')
        break # If the guess is correct.
if int(guess) == computerNumber:
    print('Great job, ' + str(name) + '! You made the right guess.')
    print('You guessed my number in ' + str(guessedNumber) + ' guesses.')
    print('Nope! The number I was thinking of was ' + str(computerNumber) + '.')
Posted by: Guest on July-13-2021

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