Answers for "chromedriver selenium python"


chromedriver selenium python

# For Linux, but it is similar for Windows
# First make sure first that you have chrome browser installed on your system.

# a simple way to get the driver is: 
sudo apt-get install chromium-chromedriver
# this will download 75MB of files.

# another way is:
1. Download the lastest version of driver from: # only 5-7MB
2. Unzip the file.
3. Paste the file in /usr/local/bin using this command:
  sudo mv chromedriver /usr/local/bin # this makes sure that the directory is in your PATH variable.
4. Make your file executable:
  sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/chromedriver

Now you can use this in python:
  >>from selenium import webdriver
  >>browser = webdriver.Chrome()
  # it will work fine
Posted by: Guest on November-09-2020

selenium chrome python

import timefrom selenium import webdriverdriver = webdriver.Chrome('/path/to/chromedriver')  # Optional argument, if not specified will search path.driver.get('');time.sleep(5) # Let the user actually see something!search_box = driver.find_element_by_name('q')search_box.send_keys('ChromeDriver')search_box.submit()time.sleep(5) # Let the user actually see something!driver.quit()
Posted by: Guest on May-28-2020

python chromedriver download

# Python code that download latest chromedriver for windows
# and extract it to C:\
# For Linux version of the code just browser: chromedriver download python linux
# and the you found it
# Updated 2021-10-18 22:33

import os
import wget
import zipfile
import requests

# Change dir that fit your need C:\\ is just standard in this example
# Create the Chromedriver folder in C:/
dir = os.path.join("C:\\" , "Chromedriver")

if os.path.exists(dir):

# Finds out the latest chromedriver version.
latest_release_url = ''    
response = requests.get(latest_release_url)    
version_number = response.text


# Create the Download link and Download it.
chromedriver_download_url = '' + version_number + '/'
download_url = "" + version_number + "/"

print("Downloading...latest version:""=",version_number,)

# Downloading chromedriver
dl_driver_zip_win = , "")

# Extracting the zip file to C:\\
with zipfile.ZipFile(dl_driver_zip_win , 'r') as zip_ref:

# Just give you the PATH to your Folder
print("All done... You can found the folder at:!" , dir)
Posted by: Guest on October-06-2021

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