Answers for "max of a dict"


max of a dict

dic={0: 1.4984074067880424, 1: 1.0984074067880423, 2: 1.8984074067880425, 3: 2.2984074067880425, 4: 2.2984074067880425}
max_value = max(dic.values())  # maximum value
max_keys = [k for k, v in dic.items() if v == max_value] # getting all keys containing the `maximum`

print(max_value, max_keys)
Posted by: Guest on March-27-2020

python get the key with the max or min value in a dictionary

# Basic syntax:
key_with_max_value = max(dictionary, key=dictionary.get)

# Note, to get the max value itself, you can do either of the following:
max_value = dictionary[max(dictionary, key=dictionary.get)]
max_value = max(dictionary.values())

# Example usage:
dictionary = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
max(dictionary, key=dictionary.get)
--> 'c'
Posted by: Guest on October-04-2020

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