Answers for "how to make a virtual coffee machine using python"


how to make a virtual coffee machine using python

import os
MENU = {
    "espresso": {
        "ingredients": {
            "water": 50,
            "coffee": 18,
        "cost": 2,
    "latte": {
        "ingredients": {
            "water": 200,
            "milk": 150,
            "coffee": 24,
        "cost": 5,
    "cappuccino": {
        "ingredients": {
            "water": 250,
            "milk": 100,
            "coffee": 24,
        "cost": 15,

profit = 0
resources = {
    "water": 1000,
    "milk": 700,
    "coffee": 500,

def is_resource_sufficient(order_ingredients):
    """Returns True when order can be made, False if ingredients are insufficient."""
    for item in order_ingredients:
        if order_ingredients[item] > resources[item]:
            print(f"​Sorry there is not enough {item}.")
            return False
    return True

def process_coins():
    """Returns the total calculated from coins inserted."""
    print("Please insert coins.")
    total = int(input("how many quarters?: ")) * 0.25
    total += int(input("how many dimes?: ")) * 0.1
    total += int(input("how many nickles?: ")) * 0.05
    total += int(input("how many pennies?: ")) * 0.01
    return total

def Buy_the_resorses():
    global resources
    resources = {
    "water": 1000,
    "milk": 1000,
    "coffee": 700,

def is_transaction_successful(money_received, drink_cost):
    """Return True when the payment is accepted, or False if money is insufficient."""
    if money_received >= drink_cost:
        change = round(money_received - drink_cost, 2)
        print(f"Here is ${change} in change.")
        global profit
        profit += drink_cost
        return True
        print("Sorry that's not enough money. Money refunded.")
        return False

def make_coffee(drink_name, order_ingredients):
    """Deduct the required ingredients from the resources."""
    for item in order_ingredients:
        resources[item] -= order_ingredients[item]
    print(f"Here is your {drink_name} ☕️. Enjoy!")

is_on = True

while is_on:
        choice = str(input("​What would you like? (espresso / latte / cappuccino): "))
        if choice == "off":
            is_on = False
        elif choice == "report":
            print(f"Water: {resources['water']}ml")
            print(f"Milk: {resources['milk']}ml")
            print(f"Coffee: {resources['coffee']}g")
            print(f"Money: ${profit}")
        elif choice == "Buy the resorses":
            profit -= 15
        elif choice == "clear":
            drink = MENU[choice]
            if is_resource_sufficient(drink["ingredients"]):
                payment = process_coins()
                if is_transaction_successful(payment, drink["cost"]):
                    make_coffee(choice, drink["ingredients"])
    except :
        print("An unexpected error occurred")
        print("try again")
Posted by: Guest on September-02-2021

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