how to convert dollars to rupees and rs to dollar in python
print('hello welcome to converter of rs to dollar and dollar to rs')
carry_on = True
while carry_on:
ask = int(input('write what do you want to do find? for finding dollar to rs type "1" or to find rs to dollar write "2":- '))
except ValueError:
print('inccorrect input')
if ask == 1:
dollars = float(input("Please enter dollars value:"))
converter = dollars * 72.90
except ValueError:
print('incorrect input')
elif ask == 2:
rupees = float(input("Please enter rupees:"))
dollars_converter = rupees / 72.90
print(dollars_converter, " Dollars")
print('incorrect input')
User_think = input('Do you want to cotinue? write "1 or one" if you want to continue or "2 or two" to exit:- ').upper()
if User_think == 1 or "ONE":
go = True
elif User_think == 2 or "TWO":
go = False
print('wront input closing the software')
go = False