Answers for "python: np.arange decimal places"


python: np.arange decimal places

# It's embarrassing that python's range accumulate rounding errors
# when using decimal step.
# It's easy to implement a generator that does this even without accumulating
# rounding errors.
# Lot of suggestions were made at
# Going through the forum, a general solution is presented below.
# The seq function use generates ranges with decimal step without rounding error

def seq(start, stop, step=1):
    n = int(round((stop - start)/float(step)))
    const = pow(step,-1)
    if n > 1:
        return([start + (i/const) for i in range(n+1)])
    elif n == 1:

# The seq function above works fine though may have performance issue 
# because of the use of power and division. Its therefore advice to
# use it only when rounding error is of atmost concern.
Posted by: Guest on February-26-2021

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