Answers for "calss python"


calss python

class Person:
  def __init__(self, name, age): = name
    self.age = age

p1 = Person("John", 36)

print( #>> "John"
print(p1.age) #>> 36
Posted by: Guest on February-19-2021

how to declare a class in python

class ClassName(object): #"(object)" isn't mandatory unless this class inherit from another
  	def __init__(self, var1=0, var2):
    	#the name of the construct must be "__init__" or it won't work
    	#the arguments "self" is mandatory but you can add more if you want 
    	self.age = var1 = var2
    	#the construct will be execute when you declare an instance of this class
  	def otherFunction(self):
        #the other one work like any basic fonction but in every methods,
    	#the first argument (here "self") return to the class in which you are
Posted by: Guest on April-13-2020

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