move files with in bash
mv path/to/src to/path/destination
bash move
# Linux - Bash
# syntax:
mv [options] <source-filepath> <destination-filepath>
# example-1 (fundamental - no switches):
mv "C:\Users\File_Name.txt" "C:\Users\SubFolder\File_Name.txt"
# example-2 (fundamental - with switches):
mv -u "C:\Users\File_Name.txt" "C:\Users\SubFolder\File_Name.txt"
# + ------ + ---------------------------------------------------------- +
# + ------ + ---------------------------------------------------------- +
# | -f | force move by overwriting destination file without prompt |
# | -i | interactive prompt before overwrite |
# | -u | update - move when source is newer than destination |
# | -v | verbose - print source and destination files |
# | man mv | help manual |
# + ------ + ---------------------------------------------------------- +
linux move everything in a directory to another directory
mv -v ~/Downloads/* ~/Videos/
linux move file
# Linux - Bash
# syntax:
mv [options] <source-filepath> <destination-filepath>
# example-1 (fundamental - no switches):
mv "C:\Users\File_Name.txt" "C:\Users\SubFolder\File_Name.txt"
# example-2 (fundamental - with switches):
mv -u "C:\Users\File_Name.txt" "C:\Users\SubFolder\File_Name.txt"
# Switches
mv -f force move by overwriting destination file without prompt
mv -i interactive prompt before overwrite
mv -u update - move when source is newer than destination
mv -v verbose - print source and destination files
move linux
mv /your_home/blabla/bla/your_file /home/bla/destination_folder
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