Answers for "difference between git and github"


difference between anaconda and pycharm

PyCharm is an IDE (a code editor)
Anaconda is a set of libraries (a distribution)

To add Anoconda suppport to Pycharm see
Posted by: Guest on January-22-2020

difference between git and github

Simply put, Git is a version control system that lets you manage
and keep track of your source code history. GitHub is a cloud-based
hosting service that lets you manage Git repositories. If you have 
open-source projects that use Git, then GitHub is designed to help
you better manage them. 

After all, in the world of programming, naming conventions aren’t
always intuitive. That’s why it’s worth recognizing the connections
and the differences in the similarly named Git and GitHub. Both Git
and GitHub give programmers valuable version-control functionality
so that they can build ongoing coding projects without being afraid
of messing everything up. GitHub just takes things a little bit
further than Git, offering more functionality and resources, as well
as a place online to store and collaborate on projects.
Posted by: Guest on July-25-2021

difference between useHistory and props.history

//You can use useHistory() in any component, 
//but props.history only in components where the history is available in props

//When you use history.push, you do NOT have to specify the pathname. 

const queryString = new URLSearchParams(params).toString()
      search: "?" + queryString
Posted by: Guest on May-05-2020

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