git flow init
git flow init
#with default to not be promted
git flow init -d
#with force to re-run init and edit data
git flow init -f
git flow init
git flow init
#with default to not be promted
git flow init -d
#with force to re-run init and edit data
git flow init -f
git flow feature
#Open a feature branch named: feature/feature_name
git flow feature start feature_name
#Close a feature branch
git flow feature finish feature_name
#Remember to push all branches
git push --all
git flow release
#Starting a release create a branch release/release_version
#tipically version are Semantic Versioning standard X.Y.Z
git flow release start release_version
#Finish a release, remember to update your application version!
git flow release finish release_version
#Remember to push all branches and tags
git push --all --follow-tags
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