Answers for "sftp command line linux"


sftp command

# Connexion to default port 22
sftp your_user@your_server_ip_or_remote_hostname
sftp> ? 			# help
# SFTP get local directory
sftp> lpwd
sftp> lls			# list of files in local directory
sftp> lcd mydir		# change local directory
# SFTP get remote directory
sftp> pwd
sftp> ls			# list of files in remote directory
sftp> cd mydir		# change remote directory
# put single file from local to remote directory
sftp> put myfile
# put multiple files from local to remote directory
sftp> mput *.txt
# get single file from remote to local directory
sftp> get myfile
# put multiple files from remote to local directory
sftp> mget *.txt
Posted by: Guest on April-24-2021

sftp command line linux

SFTP Command Line Syntax Commands
# Connexion to default port 22
sftp your_user@your_server_ip_or_remote_hostname
# If default port 22 use the -P option to specify the SFTP port
sftp -P custom_port remote_username@server_ip_or_hostname
# help
sftp> ?
# SFTP get local directory
sftp> lpwd
# list of files in local directory
sftp> lls
# change local directory
sftp> lcd mydir
# SFTP get remote directory
sftp> pwd
# list of files in remote directory
sftp> ls
# change remote directory
sftp> cd mydir
# put single file from local to remote directory
sftp> put myfile
# put multiple files from local to remote directory
sftp> mput *.txt
# get single file from remote to local directory
sftp> get myfile
# put multiple files from remote to local directory
sftp> mget *.txt
Posted by: Guest on August-12-2021

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