Answers for "docker desktop - access denied"


Docker permission denied

sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
Posted by: Guest on February-07-2021

docker access denied windows 10

It seems that your problem is at you last command. In : docker run -v D:/TensorFlow-LiveLessons:/home/jovyan/work -it --rm -p 8888:8888 tensorflow-ll-stack ., you are telling docker to launch a container with a command ".". From the doc you linked me in the comments, you mixed up docker build and docker run.

Docker build take a context path as a parameter, where it can find a Dockerfile. It often a ".", if you are executing the command from the same directory.

Docker run take a command as a parameter, which will be used as an entry point for you image.

Now, it looks more like a copy past problem, since you documentation show that the docker run command is docker run -v c:/full/path/to/the/clone:/home/jovyan/work -it --rm -p 8888:8888 tensorflow-ll-stack without the point, but it never bad to learn about docker build and docker run.

Have fun!
Posted by: Guest on March-09-2021

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