sample sbatch script
#SBATCH --job-name=g09
##SBATCH -N 1 #allocete nodes
#SBATCH -n 64 #allocate cpus
##SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 # allocate gpus
#SBATCH -p longq7-rna # partition name you want to run
##SBATCH -p shortq7 # partition name you want to run "##" comment
##SBATCH --nodelist=nodeamd002 # allocate specific node called nodeamd002 form longq7-rna partition
#SBATCH --exclude=nodegpu[021-025] #exclude these nodes in longq7-rna partition
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --time=168:00:00 # max time
# Load the necessary modules, etc...
load modudel vmd
vmd -dispdev text *.pdb -eofexit < /mnt/rna/home/userABC/your_vmd_tcl_script.tcl
## - are commets