linux kill process
ps -ef| grep <name or substring of the program> #Find the all program threads
kill - 9 <PID> # Kill it immediately (Second column from above command)
linux kill process
ps -ef| grep <name or substring of the program> #Find the all program threads
kill - 9 <PID> # Kill it immediately (Second column from above command)
kill a process linux
type top
find PID in the menu
kill -9 your_PID
kill process unix
Find PID of process to kill with:
ps ax
Then just specify "kill PID" command as for example:
kill 16320
kill -9 16320 #Force kill in case process is not answering.
linux kill process
kill -9 3827
kill -9 3919
kill -9 10764
kill -9 11679
linux kill process
ps aux | grep chrome
kill process bash
this is to kill many process (mistakenly submitted)
while :
echo "Press [CTRL+C] to stop.."
for pid in $(ps -ef | awk '/pmemd.cuda/ {print $2}'); do kill -9 $pid; done
sleep 1
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