Answers for "sudo command not found"


laravel command not found

echo 'export PATH="~/.config/composer/vendor/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
# or
echo 'export PATH="~/.config/composer/vendor/bin"' >> ~/.zshrc
Posted by: Guest on September-27-2020

linux sudo command not found

Method 1: Fixing sudo command not found errors on GNU/Linux
If (Type "whereis sudo" if you "get sudo: "as a reply from  command)
Hold down Ctrl, Alt and F1 or F2 to switch to a virtual 
terminal. Type root, push enter and then type the password for the 
original root user. You’ll receive a # symbol for a command prompt.
then install sudo:
#apt-get install sudo
#yum install sudo

Now from the root prompt type visudo and push enter. 
You’ll either receive a nano or vi editor screen. 
All the way at the bottom of the file include a line that has your 
user’s name followed by ALL=(ALL) ALL, keeping in mind that your user 
name is more than likely in lower case.

for more details go to the source.
Posted by: Guest on September-14-2021

sudo cd command not found

sudo -i
cd /var/named
Posted by: Guest on November-06-2020

sudo: apt: command not found

If apt is not found so Linux is CentOS which is RedHat-based
RedHat installs use yum not apt-get
Posted by: Guest on December-02-2020

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