Answers for "permanent ssh tunnel chron job"


permanent ssh tunnel chron job

Assume we want to tunnel local port 5000 to the remote computer port 6000.

1. Make sure SSH works - choose a user with an SSH private key such that the ssh command doesn't require a password. Make sure you're not asked for password when connecting. Exit once it connects correctly:

ssh [email protected]
2. Test the tunnel manually. The following command should open a tunnel and background the ssh process:

nc -z localhost 5000 || ssh -N -L 5000: [email protected] &
To terminate it type fg and then Ctrl-C.

3. Edit crontab and add the command above. For example to run it every minute as user root:

crontab -u root -e
And add at the end of it:

* * * * * nc -z localhost 5000 || ssh -N -L 5000: [email protected] &
Posted by: Guest on July-07-2021

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