awk column alignment
paste file1 file2 | awk '{printf "%0s %0s %-5s%9s %7s %0s %0s %0s %0s %0s %0s %0s %0s %0s %0s %0s %0s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17, $18}' > output
^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^(-5)mean ^(7)means alight to right, keep 7 string to left (eg : ----AAA) ^ print your columns
^^^ (-5)means, align to right keep 5 string to right(eg : AAA--)
this space keep 3 space between columns
% - to control number of digit. 0 mean everything,
s for string
d for digit
(-5s)means, align to left keep 5 string to right(eg : AAA--) ,
(7s)means alight to right, keep 7 string to left (eg : ----AAA)
string control and digit control is different, (digit chage the number, string keep the strings
printf "%4.3e\n", 1950 will give 1.950e+03
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