wget command that retains the directory structure
## Sometimes we want to create the same directories when downloading files using wget.
## To do this is simple! Just use the -x switch to create the same directory structure (if it does not exist).
## For example:
wget -x www.somedomain.com/dir1/dir2/dir3/some-file.txt;
## This will save the file in the following directory structure that gets created if it does not exist:
## www.somedomain.com/dir1/dir2/dir3/some-file.txt
## If you would like to leave out the host name, then use the -nH switch.
## Dor example:
wget -x -Nh www.somedomain.com/dir1/dir2/dir3/some-file.txt;
## This will save the file in the following directory structure that gets created if it does not exist:
## dir1/dir2/dir3/some-file.txt
## Happy coding, my homies <3