delete all pip packages
#Write all modules to a txt file
pip freeze > requirements.txt
#Now to remove one by one:
pip uninstall -r requirements.txt
#If we want to remove all at once then:
pip uninstall -r requirements.txt -y
delete all pip packages
#Write all modules to a txt file
pip freeze > requirements.txt
#Now to remove one by one:
pip uninstall -r requirements.txt
#If we want to remove all at once then:
pip uninstall -r requirements.txt -y
pip uninstall all packages
pip uninstall -y -r <(pip freeze)
pip remove
# python2
pip uninstall package_name
# python3
pip3 uninstall package_name
pip uninstalled itself
#the best way to install pip if uninstalled is using the following command
python -m ensurepip
# not only it will check whether there is pip installed , it will install
# for you if not found
uninstall a python package from virtualenv
pip uninstall <packagename>
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