heroku and github on termi
$ heroku git:remote -a thawing-inlet-61413
set git remote heroku to https://git.heroku.com/thawing-inlet-61413.git
heroku and github on termi
$ heroku git:remote -a thawing-inlet-61413
set git remote heroku to https://git.heroku.com/thawing-inlet-61413.git
deploy to heroku
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Added a Procfile."
$ heroku login
Enter your Heroku credentials.
$ heroku create <app-name>
Creating arcane-lowlands-8408... done, stack is cedar
// now create procfile
//node app.js
$ git push heroku master
-----> Node.js app detected
-----> Launching... done
http://arcane-lowlands-8408.herokuapp.com deployed to Heroku
heroku git steps
# clone project (replace my-app with your app's name)
git clone [email protected]:my-app.git
# add git remote to existing directory (replace my-app with your app's name)
git remote add heroku [email protected]:my-app.git
# stage, commit, and push changes (assuming main is the default branch)
git add .
git commit -am "commit message goes here"
git push heroku main
heroku and github on termi
$ git remote rename heroku heroku-staging
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