bash check if string equals multiple
# Basic syntax:
case your_word in
words | to | match) <command_to_execute_if_match>;;
*) <command_to_execute_no_match>;;
# Where
# - your_word is checked against words, to, and match
# - If a match is found, the command_to_execute_if_match is run
# - | is used to indicate "OR"
# - ;; indicates that no further matches should be considered if a
# match is found. Use ;& to check additional clauses after
# executing the code for the current match
# - * is used to match anything, so it works as the "else" clause here
# - Additional cases can be added between the first and the last
# Example usage:
case $ANIMAL in
horse | dog | cat) echo -n "four";;
man | kangaroo ) echo -n "two";;
*) echo -n "an unknown number of";;