Answers for "Edge shortcut"


Edge shortcut

=== Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Edge ===
Ctrl + Shift + B      #Show or hide the favorites bar
Ctrl + D              #Save the current tab as a favorite
Ctrl + Shift + D	  #Save all open tabs as favorites in a new folder
Alt + D / Ctrl + L	  #Select the URL in the address bar to edit
Ctrl + E			  #Open a search query in the address bar
Alt + E				  #Open the Settings and more "..." menu
Ctrl + F		      #Find on page
Ctrl + H			  #Open History in a new tab 
Ctrl + J			  #Open Downloads in a new tab
Ctrl + Shift + I	  #Open Developer Tools
Ctrl + Shift + K	  #Duplicate the current tab
Ctrl + S			  #Save the current page
Ctrl + P			  #Print the current page
Ctrl + R			  #Reload the current page
Ctrl + T			  #Open a new tab and switch to it
Ctrl + U			  #View source
Ctrl + W			  #Close the current tab
Ctrl + Plus/ Minus 	  #Zoom in/out
F5					  #Reload the current tab
F11					  #Enter full screen (toggle)
F12					  #Open Developer Tools
PgUp				  #Scroll up webpage, one screen at a time
PgDn				  #Scroll down webpage, one screen at a time
Home				  #Go to the top of the page
Ctrl + right click    #Open a link in new tab
Press Scroll Wheel    #Open a link in new tab
Posted by: Guest on August-04-2021

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