bash print specific row from a file
# Basic syntax:
awk 'row condition goes here {outcome if true goes here}' input_file
# Example usage:
awk 'NR >= 50 && NR <= 100 {print $23, $42}' input_file
# Where
# - NR is the row number being processed
# - This command prints the 23rd and 42nd fields of the input_file for
# rows 50-100.
# More complex example usage:
awk 'BEGIN {OFS="\t"}; {if(NR >= 2 && NR <= 7) print $4; else if (NR == 8) print $0}' input_file
# BEGIN {OFS="\t"}; sets the output field delimiter to tab
# The rest of the statement prints the 4th field of the input_file for
# rows 2-7 and prints all fields for row 8.