robo 3t download for ubuntu 18.04
sudo snap install robo3t-snap
robo 3t download for ubuntu 18.04
sudo snap install robo3t-snap
install robomongo ubuntu
## 1. Download the tar file from robomongo site. The current file is robo3t-1.1.1-linux-x86_64-c93c6b0.tar.gz, but yours could be different.
## robomongo-site-link ##
## 2.Open up the terminal, switch to download directory and run the following commands:
tar -xvzf robo3t-1.1.1-linux-x86_64-c93c6b0.tar.gz
sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin/robomongo
sudo mv robo3t-1.1.1-linux-x86_64-c93c6b0/* /usr/local/bin/robomongo
cd /usr/local/bin/robomongo/bin
sudo chmod +x robo3t
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
## Add the following line to the end of .bashrc file:
alias robomongo='/usr/local/bin/robomongo/bin/robo3t'
## Save and close the file. Now reload it using the following command:
source ~/.bashrc
##Then you can run robomongo from your terminal and it will work:
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