swift for loop index
for (index, object) in list.enumerated() {
print("Item at \(index): \(object)")
swift for loop index
for (index, object) in list.enumerated() {
print("Item at \(index): \(object)")
swiftui foreach with index
var body: some View {
ForEach(array.indices) { i in
.onTapGesture { self.doSomething(index: i) }
ForEach index swiftui
public struct ForEachWithIndex<Data: RandomAccessCollection, ID: Hashable, Content: View>: View {
public var data: Data
public var content: (_ index: Data.Index, _ element: Data.Element) -> Content
var id: KeyPath<Data.Element, ID>
public init(_ data: Data, id: KeyPath<Data.Element, ID>, content: @escaping (_ index: Data.Index, _ element: Data.Element) -> Content) {
self.data = data
self.id = id
self.content = content
public var body: some View {
zip(self.data.indices, self.data).map { index, element in
index: index,
id: self.id,
element: element
id: \.elementID
) { indexInfo in
self.content(indexInfo.index, indexInfo.element)
extension ForEachWithIndex where ID == Data.Element.ID, Content: View, Data.Element: Identifiable {
public init(_ data: Data, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (_ index: Data.Index, _ element: Data.Element) -> Content) {
self.init(data, id: \.id, content: content)
extension ForEachWithIndex: DynamicViewContent where Content: View {
private struct IndexInfo<Index, Element, ID: Hashable>: Hashable {
let index: Index
let id: KeyPath<Element, ID>
let element: Element
var elementID: ID {
self.element[keyPath: self.id]
static func == (_ lhs: IndexInfo, _ rhs: IndexInfo) -> Bool {
lhs.elementID == rhs.elementID
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
self.elementID.hash(into: &hasher)
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