Answers for "swift if let statement"


swift if let

Essentially the line is saying, "if you can let the new variable name equal the non-optional version of optionalName, do the following with it". As Martin pointed out, this is called Optional Binding.

The sole purpose of it is to test if an optional variable contains an actual value and bind the non-optional form to a temporary variable. This is the safe way to "unwrap" an optional or in other words, access the value contained in the optional. It is in no way testing for equality of any kind. It is only testing for the existence of a value within an optional.
Posted by: Guest on March-13-2021

swift if statement

// check the number is positive or negative
let num = 15
var result = ""

if (num > 0) {
     result = "Positive Number"
else {
     result = "Negative Number"

Posted by: Guest on May-08-2021

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