Answers for "swift ui slider"


slider in swiftui

//The most basic slider syntax is:

Slider(value: Binding<BinaryFloatingPoint>, 
       in: ClosedRange<BinaryFloatingPoint>) {
  //Label Here

//Binding<BinaryFloatingPoint> refers to passing in a @State variable of type BinaryFloatingPoint
//0.3, 12.491
//ClosedRange<BinaryFloatingPoint> refers to a closed range with the range of a double
//Example -> 0...100

//Let' take this example SwiftUI app into account

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var speed = 0.0
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Slider(value: $speed,
                   in: 0...100) {
                //Closure syntax here
            .frame(width: 250)

//This makes it so that the slider changes the value speed from 0 to 100 as the slider is moved
//Then, the text below displays what the speed is using string interpolation.
//There are more modifiers but this is just one of the applications of the Slider
Posted by: Guest on August-15-2021

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