Answers for "Top 20 Windows PowerShell Keyboard Shortcuts For Geeks"


Top 20 Windows PowerShell Keyboard Shortcuts For Geeks

HOME: The home button places the cursor at the beginning of the line when pressed.
END: Places the cursor at the End of the Line
DEL: Erases character to the to the right of the Cursor
BACKSPACE: Deletes character to the left of the cursor.
ESC: Deletes the entire current line.
CTRL+HOME: Deletes all the characters at the current position up to the beginning of the Line. While sparing characters to the right of the cursor position.
CTRL+END: Deletes everything from the current cursor position up to the end of the Line.
INSERT key: Used to switch between insert and type-over modes. Type-over mode is encountered when you enter new characters and they overwrite existing Ones.
Arrow UP: Display previously entered commands reducing work of retyping recently used commands.
Arrow Down Key: Scroll down your command history.
F7: Shows a Full List of previously entered Commands with the support of scrolling and selecting command you want to reuse.
F8: Moves through the whole History List back and forth.
F4: Select the character to delete up to
ALT+ F7: Clear the command history and reset command count
F9: Select a Command by its number in the command history buffer through a Menu that accepts numbers and returns Desired Command.

To see all the commands you have entered before that begins with a certain Letter, type:
For example; Typing b(F8) will print out the commands you previously entered that begins with “b”.
Tab Key: Helps you avoid typos or typing errors. It will automatically complete a command for you after pressing few first letters. Typing it twice will work you through suggestions.
Posted by: Guest on July-12-2021

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