write to text file vb.net
'streamwriter allows us to write to a file
Dim file As System.IO.StreamWriter
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter([FileName], True)
write to text file vb.net
'streamwriter allows us to write to a file
Dim file As System.IO.StreamWriter
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter([FileName], True)
vbnet create and write on file
Dim strFile As String = "yourfile.txt"
Dim fileExists As Boolean = File.Exists(strFile)
Using sw As New StreamWriter(File.Open(strFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
sw.WriteLine( _
IIf(fileExists, _
"Error Message in Occured at-- " & DateTime.Now, _
"Start Error Log for today"))
End Using
write to text file vb.net
Dim [FileVar] As String = Application.StartupPath & "/[FileName]"
FileOpen(1, [FileVar], OpenMode.Append)
PrintLine(1, text)
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